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Daily tsumego
Black plays, you will be 3D if you finish all elementary tsumego. |
Elementary Problems : |
800 Elementary Tsumego ,
7 Dead 8 Life ,
Rectangular Six ,
Bridge ,
Door ,
L group ,
J group ,
Duck ,
Mouse ,
Leaf ,
Bent four around the corner ,
Tripod group with extra leg ,
Long L group A ,
Long L group B ,
Carpenter's square ,
Other Basic tsumego ,
120 Elementary tsumego
Kifu Pattern Search( Pudu System )
Kifu Pattern Search
Play on the goban ( more then 3 moves, less than 30 moves ),
then click on the [ search ] button,
you will get all the kifu containing
your moves.
The Kifu Pattern could be :
1. The first 3-20 moves of a game.
2. A Joseki of a corner. ( 11 x 11)
3. A Midgame of a side. ( 19 x 11 )
Click [ Here ] to get help.
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Elementary Tsumego
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